A Guide to efficient hiring in the 21st century – Types of Workers in the Modern Economy.

The entire world is undergoing a tsunami of changes due to super fast technological advancement and immediate changes to the entire world. With the world undergoing massive changes, businesses need to change and evolve in order to survive in the ever changing new economy. Here’s a guide to efficient hiring in the 21st century.

Apart from your full-time employees, the new era type of workers in the economy today are as follows:

Freelancers / Gig workers – these are freelancers that work based on per job basis. They do quick jobs and provide services such as adhoc design service, one-time compilation of documents or admin work. You can also find these people to help send out emails or do one-time jobs such as press-releases or needs to your work.

How to use: Quick fixes for your business. Namecard Designs, Logo Designs, Website Design etc.

Influencers / Digital Marketers – These people share products and do exposure for businesses and they are your go-to solutions for long-term outreach and collaboration. These marketers do one-off shout-outs for your brands or, may at times, also be open to long-term collabs.

How to use: Pay money for a one-time shoutout or have a strong USP product that offer them a commission-based opportunity for long-term collab.

Outsourced Operations – These are individuals or groups of outsourced teams skilled in execution and operations. They are the people you go to to save time for your business. Wave your wand and see your stuffs gets done.

How to use: Normally, a long-term 6-12 months commitment. These can be fulfilment warehouses, digital operators or ecommerce executives.

Here’s why full-time employment no longer works.

In the past, a highly skilled worker could dominate an entire industry by honing their craft to perfection. Today, however, work has become vastly broader and more multifaceted. Businesses often find that the cost of a full-time employee isn’t always justified by the specific needs of a single role. Yet, underutilizing a full-time worker can lead to inefficiencies, slow growth, and ultimately hinder a business’s success.

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